
I would like to manage the triples of my Virtuoso Triplestore using the
DELETE/INSERT statements. I have found this topic:
http://boards.openlinksw.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1640 explaining
how to allow these kind of queries. So far so good...

But there's a problem because now anyone can DELETE or UPDATE from the
SPARQL endpoint. How can I revert the users' roles as they were at the
beginning? And more important, how to manage the roles in order to only
allow the dba user to DELETE/INSERT triples.

Note: I suppose that if I log in into the conductor with an user and then I
go to ->Linked Data -> SPARQL, the user that is doing the queries is the
one that is logged in, for example dba, right?

Thanks, and apologies for cross-posting.

Jesús Redondo
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