
I was glad to learn about DB.DBA.SYS_SPARQL_HOST in a previous thread in this list. It can be used to configure default define pragmas for SPARQL queries. I was looking for something like that because I am experimenting with inference rules and I did not like that a data consumer had to know about the "define input:inference" pragma line that should be in a SPARQL query in order to get inferencing to work.

I did manage to get implicit inferencing to work by inserting a row into DB.DBA.SYS_SPARQL_HOST. But it now works for all data sets in my virtuoso instance. I would like to have different inference rules for different data sets (which are different named graphs in my case). Is this possible? Perhaps by creating different SPARQL end points for different data sets? But if I understand DB.DBA.SYS_SPARQL_HOST correctly, it would not do to just have different virtual directories for each end point because only the host name is evaluated... Do I need to create separate virtual hosts for each SPARQL end point? Or is there some other way to configure implicit inferencing for different data sets?


Frans Knibbe
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