I have two questions, please help me out.

1. I built the latest edition of Virtuoso from source code @github - following 
the guide provided on homepage of project and virtuoso product website. 
Installation went successful, no issues there. However, I see that the 
rdf_mappers_dav.vad file is not generated. I noticed this after loading dbpedia 
dataset (v3.9) where last step is to install dbpedia_dav.vad and 
rdf_mappers_dav.vad. While ideally dbpedia_dav.vad was also supposed to be 
generated in binsrc/dbpedia dir while building the virtuoso, it did not. 
Anyway, I managed to find the dbpedia_vad file from the github project so its 
sorted. Now, please tell me how can I get the latest version of 
rdf_mappers_dav.vad for virtuoso v7.1x?
I cannot re build the virtuoso as its done on server with dbpedia dataset 
loaded, can't redo the whole thing again.

2. I by mistake loaded one dataset of dbpedia dump into a graph name: 
http://dbpedia.org/ and while rest of the dataset is loaded into: 
http://dbpedia.org (without backward slash). I want to merge both into one 
single graph, but I do not know how to do it. Doing rename graph operation from 
Conductor is failing as I cannot rename to graph that already exists (I need to 

So any help on how to achieve above tasks would be of great help.

Thank you very much!

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