Explain() on that query generates the same error, by the way.

On 21 June 2014 13:08, Quentin <quent...@clearbluewater.com.au> wrote:

> Hi,
> When running a transitive sparql query from a stored procedure, I get this
> error:
> "Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: Variable
> '_::trans_subj_23_4' is used in subexpressions of the query but not
> assigned"
> Running the same query in conductor/isql doesn't get the error.
> The difference appears to be the pragmas added to such compiled queries by
> Virtuoso.  Adding them manually reproduced the error and allowed me to
> narrow it down to: "sql:signal-void-variables".
> The query that produced it (with some slight anonymisation) is below, it's
> a little clunky because it's generated from a lot of optional clauses:
> ===============================
> sparql { define sql:big-data-const 0
> #output-format:text/html
> define sql:signal-void-variables 1
> select distinct  ?G ?S ?P ?O Datatype(?O) as ?ObjectType
> where { GRAPH ?G {filter ( ?G in (<
> http://example.com/dataset/demoapp/OntologyDefault/>, <
> http://example.com/dataset/demoapp/12553670352e474e/>, <http:/
> /example.com/dataset/demoapp/1275367035362f2c/>, <
> http://example.com/dataset/demoapp/12953670ae30d4ec/>))
>  {
> { select distinct ?S as ?anchor {
> GRAPH ?G  {filter ( ?G in (<
> http://example.com/dataset/demoapp/OntologyDefault/>, <
> http://example.com/dataset/demoapp/12553670352e474e/>, <
> http://example.com/dataset/demoapp/1275367035362f2c/>, <
> http://example.com/dataset/demoapp/12953670ae30d4ec/>))
> ?S a ?class .
> filter ( ?class in (<http://app.example.com/ontology/DemoApp/DemoEntity>))
> filter ( ?S in (<
> http://example.com/data/demoapp/DemoEntity_46453a449a2b9c93>))
> }}
> }?anchor ?anchorPred ?S
>         t_min (0),
>         t_max (1),
>         t_in (?anchor),
>         t_out (?S),
>         t_no_cycles,
>         t_distinct ) .
> ?S ?P ?O .
> }
>  select  ?G ?S ?P ?O Datatype(?O) as ?ObjectType {
> GRAPH ?G  {filter ( ?G in (<
> http://example.com/dataset/demoapp/OntologyDefault/>, <
> http://example.com/dataset/demoapp/12553670352e474e/>, <
> http://example.com/dataset/demoapp/1275367035362f2c/>, <
> http://example.com/dataset/demoapp/12953670ae30d4ec/>))
> ?S a ?class .
> filter ( ?class in (<http://app.example.com/ontology/DemoApp/DemoEntity>))
> filter ( ?S in (<
> http://example.com/data/demoapp/DemoEntity_46453a449a2b9c93>))
> ?S ?P ?O .
> }}}}}
> }
> ===============================
> Virtuoso is:
>  $ ./virtuoso-t -?
> Virtuoso Open Source Edition (Column Store) (multi threaded)
> Version as of Mar 19 2014
> Compiled for Linux (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
> Copyright (C) 1998-2014 OpenLink Software
> Can I get some information on what this pragma does?
> I assume it's something specific to the data that causes this, the query
> doesn't error in an environment that is an identical build of Virtuoso but
> has different data.
> --
> Quentin | Clear Blue Water Pty Ltd
> quent...@clearbluewater.com.au

Quentin | Clear Blue Water Pty Ltd
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