On 6/20/14 10:06 AM, Dimitris Kontokostas wrote:

Is it possible to assign a local directory to a graph and when ever I change the rdf files in that directory, VOS will automatically update the graph with the latest file contents?

Local directory relative to where your Virtuoso instance is running determines what's possible. Virtuoso has an in-built crawler [1] feature that allows you to ingest RDF documents from URLs. You can mount a file system that's local to your Virtuoso instance to a WebDAV Collection URL and then make that a Crawler target, for instance.

Crawler configuration includes setting up run intervals and target named graph IRIs etc..


My use case at the moment is one ~3Mb rdf file that will be generated from an external application. If this is available in the open source version I'd like to know the file count / size limitations.


Kontokostas Dimitris

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