Hi Rumi,

I'm just wondering about your answer. Is this a bug in Virtuoso or not? I would assume that an OPTIONAL should not influence the number of the resultset, so why does the second query returns a different number?

Kind reagrds,
On 06/26/2014 02:45 PM, Rumi wrote:
Hi Olga,

On 25-Jun-14 6:50 PM, Olga Medvedeva wrote:
Hi everyone,

Does the location of OPTIONAL clause matters in SPAQRL query? Here are the examples of non-intersecting results on dbpedia:

1. Without any OPTIONAL numNames = 2143

PREFIX dbprop: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
SELECT count(DISTINCT ?name) AS ?numNames
   ?country rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Country .
   ?country  dbprop:commonName ?name .

2. OPTIONAL at the beginning returns numNames = 1922

PREFIX dbprop: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
SELECT count(DISTINCT ?name) AS ?numNames
   OPTIONAL {?country dbpprop:yearEnd ?yearEnd}
   ?country rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Country .
   ?country  dbprop:commonName ?name .

3. OPTIONAL at the end returns numNames = 2143 - same as in #1 (without OPTIONAL)

PREFIX dbprop: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
SELECT count(DISTINCT ?name) AS ?numNames
   ?country rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Country .
   ?country  dbprop:commonName ?name .
   OPTIONAL {?country dbpprop:yearEnd ?yearEnd}

The difference is 221. And it's not equal to the number of not bounded ?yearEnd:

4. OPTIONAL at the end with not bound filter returns numNames = 338
PREFIX dbprop: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
SELECT count(DISTINCT ?name) AS ?numNames
   ?country rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Country .
   ?country  dbprop:commonName ?name .
   OPTIONAL {?country dbpprop:yearEnd ?yearEnd} ## numNames = 2143
    FILTER (!bound(?yearEnd))

I thought that the position of OPTIONAL clause in query should not affect the result. Why the results are so different?

In general yes, position for OPTIONAL should not matter.

However, in your case ( let's say we run the queries against dbpedia.org/sparql endpoint ), there is data for ?yearEnd having different datatypes: integer, and non integer -- ex:

-- integer: http://bit.ly/1lrGGHN
-- not integer: -- http://bit.ly/1lZ3L67
    -- ex. string: -- http://bit.ly/TAgOyl

I would suggest you to specify the type of the ?yearEnd ex.:

filter (  bif:isinteger (?yearEnd)) .

# demo link: -- http://bit.ly/1qe8eUf
PREFIX dbprop: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
SELECT count(DISTINCT(?name))

   ?country rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Country .
   ?country  dbprop:commonName ?name .
   optional {?country dbpprop:yearEnd ?yearEnd }.
   filter (  bif:isinteger (?yearEnd)) .
limit 100


# demo link: -- http://bit.ly/UMdpgS
PREFIX dbprop: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
SELECT count(DISTINCT(?name))

   optional {?country dbpprop:yearEnd ?yearEnd }.
   ?country rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Country .
   ?country  dbprop:commonName ?name .
   filter (  bif:isinteger (?yearEnd)) .
limit 100

both of which result in same total of 1839 and in both of which the position in OPTIONAL is different.

Best Regards,
Rumi Kocis

Thank you,
Olga Medvedeva.

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