On 6/27/14 3:56 AM, Nuria Queralt Rosinach wrote:

We have a graph composed of 15.000000 triples and some queries can not
give results. Could you give any hint to overcome this situation? Many
thanks in advance!


We have a live LOD Cloud instance with 50 Billion+ triples [1] that anyone can query at anytime. Maybe you can attempt replica queries against that instance en route to diagnosing what the issues might be on your end.

Note, the LOD cloud cache instance is running a cluster edition of Virtuoso, not the Open Source Edition. That said, your machine configuration and resources (memory in particular) are what ultimately drive the nature of working sets used by your Virtuoso instance (be it V6 or V7).


[1] http://lod.openlinksw.com -- LOD Cloud Cache instance (note the footer section which displays system config information) [2] http://bit.ly/12qn8cy -- Collection of challenging full text patten queries against the LOD cloud cache instance.



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
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