Hi all,

I think that SPARQL queries using property paths which include the plus
sign yield incorrect results. This is what I get with the following
queries (number of results between brackets):

SELECT DISTINCT ?scl WHERE {wd:Q3336843 rdfs:subClassOf* ?scl} (25 rows)
SELECT DISTINCT ?scl WHERE {wd:Q3336843 rdfs:subClassOf+ ?scl} (4 rows)

SELECT DISTINCT ?scl WHERE {wd:Q3336843 rdfs:subClassOf{1,} ?scl} (24 rows)
SELECT DISTINCT ?scl WHERE {wd:Q3336843 rdfs:subClassOf{2,} ?scl} (20 rows)
SELECT DISTINCT ?scl WHERE {wd:Q3336843 rdfs:subClassOf{3,} ?scl} (17 rows)

This is the output of EXPLAIN on the first and second queries (the
latter 3 have apparently the same plan as the first one):


      0: __all_eq := Call __all_eq ( #/Q3336843 )
      5: BReturn 0
Transitive dt dir 1, input: (__all_eq)
  input shadow: (ZÁ^D)
  output: (_::trans_obj_1_1)
RDF_QUAD       1.8 rows(s_1_4_t0.S, s_1_4_t0.O)
 inlined  P =  ##subClassOf  ,  S = k_ZÁ^D

After code:
      0: _::trans_subj_1_0 :=  := artm s_1_4_t0.S
      4: _::trans_obj_1_1 :=  := artm s_1_4_t0.O
      8: BReturn 0
Subquery Select(_::trans_subj_1_0, _::trans_obj_1_1)
Distinct (_::trans_obj_1_1)

After code:
      0: scl :=  := artm _::trans_obj_1_1
      4: BReturn 0
Subquery Select(scl)

After code:
      0: scl := Call __ro2sq (scl)
      5: BReturn 0
Select (scl)

RDF_QUAD         8 rows(s_1_2_t0.O)
 inlined  P =  ##subClassOf  ,  S =  #/Q3336843
Distinct (s_1_2_t0.O)

After code:
      0: scl :=  := artm s_1_2_t0.O
      4: BReturn 0
Subquery Select(scl)

After code:
      0: scl := Call __ro2sq (scl)
      5: BReturn 0
Select (scl)

Have you already encountered this issue? I'm using build



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