I guess I am turning into more of a power-user. Nonetheless, I have had some problems using exec() with SPARQL statements where the GRAPH URI is a variable. In this case, I must use { GRAPH ?? { ?? mesh:altLabel ?? } } for instance as below. I also see no way to specify the language code when I am updating strings in this way except for sprintf() and then SPARQL_EVAL - I do not think old_label carries a language. Advice is appreciated, but not expected.
Note that I do not really need the loop for rdfs:label, but I will need it later for a custom subProperty of rdfs:label which is meshv:altLabel which does have cardinality >1. CREATE PROCEDURE meshrdf_prefix_label(in graph_uri varchar, in subj_uri varchar, in prefix varchar) { DECLARE state, msg, descs, chandle, arow any; state := '00000'; exec('SPARQL PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> SELECT ?label WHERE { GRAPH ?? { ?? rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(lang(?label) = \'en\') } }', state, msg, vector(graph_uri, subj_uri), 100, descs, null, chandle); IF (state <> '00000') signal(state, msg); WHILE (exec_next(chandle, state, msg, arow) = 0) { IF (state <> '00000') signal(state, msg); DECLARE old_label, new_label varchar; old_label := arow[0]; new_label := sprintf('%S %S', prefix, old_label); DECLARE stmt varchar; stmt := sprintf('SPARQL PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> WITH <%S> DELETE { <%S> rdfs:label "%S"@en } INSERT { <%S> rdfs:label "%S"@en }', graph_uri, subj_uri, old_label, subj_uri, new_label); exec(stmt, state, msg, vector(), 1, null, null); IF (state <> '00000') signal(state, msg); } exec_close(chandle); } Dan Davis, Systems/Applications Architect (Contractor), Office of Computer and Communications Systems, National Library of Medicine, NIH
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