On 12/30/15 8:21 AM, Eng.Bassam wrote:
> Hi  Kingsely and all members 
> still there is the same problem can't traverse from ontology to other
> cause the generated IRI is text not IRI type, next is the description
> and sorry to be long  but it's a problem need to solve ASAP to
> complete my project
> As I have said I have imported SQL DB using custom R2RML:
> <#TriplesMapPerson> a rr:TriplesMap; rr:logicalTable [ rr:tableSchema
> "dataMaster" ; rr:tableOwner "data-ODBC" ; rr:tableName "Person" ]; 
> rr:subjectMap [ rr:termType rr:IRI  ; rr:template
> "http://localhost:8890/dataMaster/person/PersonID={ID}
> <http://localhost:8890/dataMaster/person/PersonID=%7BID%7D>"; rr:class
> sio:SIO_000393; rr:graph <http://localhost:8890/dataMaster#> ];
> rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [ rr:constant sio:SIO_000664 ]
> ; rr:objectMap [ rr:column "Country" ]; ] ;
> the column Country contain the IRIs of country geo ontology i.e as
> http://sws.geonames.org/226074/, this ontology I have loaded in my
> Virtuoso server at 
> http://localhost:8890/ontologies/geonames
> this local ontology have rdf resources as :
> <gn:Feature rdf:about="http://sws.geonames.org/226074/
> <http://sws.geonames.org/2378080/>">
> <rdfs:isDefinedBy
> rdf:resource="http://sws.geonames.org/226074/about.rdf
> <http://sws.geonames.org/2378080/about.rdf>"/>
> <gn:name>USA</gn:name>
> </gn:Featue>
> now my query is :
> PREFIX sio:  <http://semanticscience.org/resource/>
> prefix gn: <http://www.geonames.org/ontology#>
> select ?country
> FROM <http://localhost:8890/dataMaster#>
> FROM <http://localhost:8890/ontologies/geonames>
> WHERE { ?s a sio:SIO_000393.
>         ?s sio:SIO_000664 ?country.
>         }
> the result unfortunately is the IRIs but in quotation as a text not an
> IRI type i.e "http://sws.geonames.org/226074/";, so I can't add to
> where clause in my query ?country gn:name ?cname also can't do
> ?country a gn:Feature
> PREFIX sio:  <http://semanticscience.org/resource/>
> prefix gn: <http://www.geonames.org/ontology#>
> select ?country
> FROM <http://localhost:8890/dataMaster#>
> FROM <http://localhost:8890/ontologies/geonames>
> WHERE { ?s a sio:SIO_000393.
>         ?s sio:SIO_000664 ?country.
>        ?country gn:name ?cname                                // *this
> triple make a traverse to other local ontology (geonames)*
>         }
> I think the problem is :
> generated country property is text not IRI type.
> I have try to modify the my R2RML using IRI template as 
> rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [ rr:constant sio:SIO_000664 ]
> ; rr:objectMap [ rr:termType rr:IRI ; rr:constant gn:Feature;
> rr:template "{Country_geo}" ]; ] ;
> but also fail the generated IRI "need an
> encoding"as http%3A%2F%2Fsws.geonames.org%2F226074%2F
> <http://localhost:8890/conductor/http%3A%2F%2Fsws.geonames.org%2F226074%2F>
> wish to give me a solution :)
> thanks

You don't need an encoded IRI. You need <http://sws.geonames.org/226074/
<http://sws.geonames.org/2378080/>> .

rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [ rr:constant sio:SIO_000664 ] ;
rr:objectMap [ rr:termType rr:IRI ; rr:constant gn:Feature; rr:template
"{Country_geo}" ]; ]

should be producing <http://sws.geonames.org/226074/
<http://sws.geonames.org/2378080/>>, not
"http://sws.geonames.org/226074/ <http://sws.geonames.org/2378080/>"  .

We'll try to make time to simulate this if my response still doesn't get
you over this problem.

> On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 9:46 PM, Kingsley Idehen
> <kide...@openlinksw.com <mailto:kide...@openlinksw.com>> wrote:
>     On 12/29/15 2:08 PM, Eng.Bassam wrote:
>>     thanks
>>     I thinks only must write FROM statement to include local
>>     ontologies in my sparql or to inform sparql engine where can
>>     locate the data, i.e:
>>     select ?o ?cname
>>     FROM <http://localhost:8890/ontologies/mydata>         //my
>>     persons data
>>     FROM <http://localhost:8890/ontologies/geonames>   // geo country
>>     data
>>     where {?s SIO:SIO_000664 ?o;
>>                 ?s a foaf:Person.
>>                 OPTIONAL { ?o gn:name ?cname. }
>>              }
>>     limit 10
>>     right?
>     You can also just do:
>     select ?o ?cname
>     where { GRAPH ?g { ?s SIO:SIO_000664 ?o;
>                 ?s a foaf:Person.
>                 OPTIONAL { ?o gn:name ?cname. } }
>              }
>     limit 10
>     Kingsley
>>     On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 9:02 PM, Kingsley Idehen
>>     <kide...@openlinksw.com <mailto:kide...@openlinksw.com>> wrote:
>>         On 12/29/15 12:46 PM, Eng.Bassam wrote:
>>>         suppose the geoname resource is:
>>>         <gn:Feature rdf:about="http://sws.geonames.org/2378080/";>
>>>         <rdfs:isDefinedBy
>>>         rdf:resource="http://sws.geonames.org/2378080/about.rdf"/>
>>>         <gn:name>Mauritania</gn:name>
>>>         </gn:Featue>
>>>         I want to get name of country_geo
>>>         select ?o ?cname
>>>         where {?s SIO:SIO_000664 ?o;
>>>                     ?s a foaf:Person.
>>>                      ?o gn:name ?cname }
>>>         limit 10
>>>         how I can traverse to geonames ontology to get a name
>>>         property ???
>>         That has nothing to do with R2RML. That's all about
>>         de-referencing data from geonames "on the fly" as part of
>>         query processing -- if you don't have this data loaded
>>         locally. If loaded locally, then query above will return the
>>         correct solution for ?cname.
>>         To be extra safe (i.e. query for a solution that includes
>>         relations that have empty gname objects) try:
>>         select ?o ?cname
>>         where {?s SIO:SIO_000664 ?o;
>>                     ?s a foaf:Person.
>>                     OPTIONAL { ?o gn:name ?cname. }
>>                 }
>>         limit 10
>>         Kingsley
>>>         On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 6:36 PM, Kingsley Idehen
>>>         <kide...@openlinksw.com <mailto:kide...@openlinksw.com>> wrote:
>>>             On 12/29/15 8:31 AM, Eng.Bassam wrote:
>>>>             Hello 
>>>>             I have a person pesron table with columns (id, name ,
>>>>             country_geo), person table type in R2RML is
>>>>             foaf:person, I have also loaded geonames onology in my
>>>>             virtuoso server at link
>>>>             http://localhost:8890/ontologies/geonames
>>>>             now for the country_geo column the r2rml is :
>>>>             rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [ rr:constant
>>>>             SIO:SIO_000664 ] ; rr:objectMap [ rr:column
>>>>             "Country_geo" ]; ] ;
>>>>             the value of country_geo is IRI e.g
>>>>             "http://sws.geonames.org/2378080/"; described in my
>>>>             loaded ontology geonames.
>>>>             now how can I make the generated country_geo property
>>>>             in person refer to my loaded ontology geonames, what
>>>>             should I write in r2rml ???
>>>>             my objective is making sparql queries on the generated
>>>>             views (persons) and traverse to geonames for more info
>>>>             about countries.
>>>>             wish it's clear question :)
>>>>             thanks
>>>>             -- 
>>>>             -----------------------------------
>>>>             > Eng.Bassam Najeeb.
>>>>             >Software Engineer.
>>>             Okay, so have you generated you views and hit a problem?
>>>             You are already mapping Geoname IRIs to country_geo, so
>>>             your end product would be instances of a class that have
>>>             IRI property values from the geonames ontology. Net
>>>             effect, from your SPARQL DESCRIBE, SELECT, or CONSTRUCTs
>>>             on the foaf:Person instances you will be able to
>>>             follow-your-nose through SIO:SIO_000664 property values.
>>>             select ?o
>>>             where {?s SIO:SIO_000664 ?o;
>>>                         ?s a foaf:Person. }
>>>             limit 10
>>>             Kingsley
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>>>         -- 
>>>         -----------------------------------
>>>         > Eng.Bassam Najeeb.
>>>         >Software Engineer.
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>>         -- 
>>         Regards,
>>         Kingsley Idehen            
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>>     -- 
>>     -----------------------------------
>>     > Eng.Bassam Najeeb.
>>     >Software Engineer.
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>     -- 
>     Regards,
>     Kingsley Idehen         
>     Founder & CEO 
>     OpenLink Software     
>     Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
>     Personal Weblog 1: http://kidehen.blogspot.com
>     Personal Weblog 2: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
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>     Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/kidehen
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>     LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen
>     Personal WebID: http://kingsley.idehen.net/dataspace/person/kidehen#this
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> -- 
> -----------------------------------
> > Eng.Bassam Najeeb.
> >Software Engineer.
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Kingsley Idehen       
Founder & CEO 
OpenLink Software     
Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Personal Weblog 1: http://kidehen.blogspot.com
Personal Weblog 2: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/kidehen
Google+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/+KingsleyIdehen/about
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen
Personal WebID: http://kingsley.idehen.net/dataspace/person/kidehen#this

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