Dear Hugh,

I have a deadline tomorrow, therefore I'll be thankful if you can help
me with this a bit?

On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 12:03 AM, Maria Jackson
<> wrote:
>> Is the above query known to be valid ie has been run elsewhere or is this
>> just a general spatial join query you are trying to get working ?
> I got inspired to write the query this way from the tutorial :
> Essentially, my query wants to retrieve cities ?long and ?nlong which
> are at a distance of 100 k.m. from each other. I am not able to
> understand as to what should be the syntax for this query (which
> Virtuoso also supports). Can you please help me with this a bit?
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 10:58 PM, Hugh Williams
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Maria,
>> Running against the latest Virtuoso open source release I get a slightly
>> different error running the query against your data:
>> SQL> DB.DBA.TTLP_MT (file_to_string_output('./spatialTest.nq'),
>> '','<http://localhost:8890/DAV/dbpedia>',512);
>> Done. -- 13 msec.
>> SQL> sparql select ?place ?nplace (( bif:st_distance( ?long,?nlong) ) AS
>> ?distance) WHERE  {graph ?g1{?place
>> <> ?long} graph ?g4{?nplace
>> <> ?nlong}};
>> *** Error 22023: VD [Virtuoso Server]GEO..: Function st_distance() expects a
>> geometry of type 1 as argument 0, not geometry of type 10242
>> at line 2 of Top-Level:
>> sparql select ?place ?nplace (( bif:st_distance( ?long,?nlong) ) AS
>> ?distance) WHERE  {graph ?g1{?place
>> <> ?long} graph ?g4{?nplace
>> <> ?nlong}}
>> SQL> status('');
>> _______________________________________________________________________________
>> OpenLink Virtuoso  Server
>> Version 07.20.3216-pthreads for Darwin as of Feb 16 2016
>> Is the above query known to be valid ie has been run elsewhere or is this
>> just a general spatial join query you are trying to get working ?
>> Best Regards
>> Hugh Williams
>> Professional Services
>> OpenLink Software, Inc.      //    
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>> Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers
>> On 23 Feb 2016, at 12:47, Maria Jackson <> wrote:
>> I loaded the following file in Virtuoso (version 07.20.3213):
>> "<>
>> <> "POLYGON ((77.164230
>> 33.187725,77.164188 33.188013,77.164066 33.188336,77.164457
>> 33.188676,77.164685 33.188861,77.165012 33.189296,77.165467
>> 33.188591,77.165490 33.188213,77.165085 33.188057,77.164811
>> 33.187902,77.164230
>> 33.187725))"^^<>
>> <http://a/id_1>.
>> <>
>> <> "POLYGON ((78.748611
>> 32.748742,78.748728 32.748925,78.749925 32.749764,78.750246
>> 32.749882,78.750630 32.749916,78.750850 32.749906,78.751046
>> 32.749875,78.751275 32.749807,78.751502 32.749698,78.751676
>> 32.749548,78.751743 32.749407,78.751792 32.749271,78.75778
>> 32.749124,78.751735 32.749024,78.751651 32.748885,78.751526
>> 32.748773,78.751369 32.748673,78.750919 32.748439,78.750465
>> 32.748209,78.750064 32.748093,78.749692 32.748034,78.749341
>> 32.748049,78.749006 32.748166,78.748721 32.748348,78.748604
>> 32.748523,78.748611
>> 32.748742))"^^<>
>> <http://a/id_4>.
>> <>
>> <> "POLYGON ((2.79723
>> -122.934,2.79897 -122.9314,2.797231
>> -122.9342))"^^<>
>> <http://a/id_7>."
>> using:
>> DB.DBA.TTLP_MT (file_to_string_output
>> ('/home/virtuoso/share/virtuoso/vad/spatialTest.nq'), '',
>> '<http://localhost:8890/DAV/dbpedia>',512);
>> After which I ran the following query:
>> SQL> sparql select ?place ?nplace (( bif:st_distance( ?long,?nlong) )
>> AS ?distance) WHERE  {graph ?g1{?place
>> <> ?long} graph ?g4{?nplace
>> <> ?nlong}};
>> Which gave me the following error:
>> *** Error 22032: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]GEO..: Function
>> st_distance() expects a geometry as argument 0
>> Can someone please guide me as to where am I going wrong and how I run
>> spatial join queries in Virtuoso?
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