Dear Hugh,

Thanks for all the information. One of my students tried to load POINT
data in Virtuoso, but ended up getting the following error, can you
please suggest as to where are we going wrong:

I loaded the following file in Virtuoso (version 07.20.3213):
<> "POINT (77.164230
33.187725)"^^<> <http://a/id_1>.
<> "POINT (78.748611
32.748742)"^^<> <http://a/id_4>.
<> "POINT (2.79723
-122.934)"^^<> <http://a/id_7>."

using: DB.DBA.TTLP_MT (file_to_string_output
('/home/virtuoso/share/virtuoso/vad/spatialTest.nq'), '',

After which I ran the following query:
SQL> sparql select ?place ?nplace (( bif:st_distance( ?long,?nlong) )
AS ?distance) WHERE  {graph ?g1{?place
<> ?long} graph ?g4{?nplace
<> ?nlong}};

The error which I am getting is:
*** Error 22032: [Virtuoso Driver][Virtuoso Server]GEO..: Function
st_distance() expects a geometry as argument 0
at line 6 of Top-Level:
sparql select ?place ?nplace (( bif:st_distance( ?long,?nlong) ) AS
?distance) WHERE  {graph ?g1{?place
<> ?long} graph ?g4{?nplace
<> ?nlong}}

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Hugh Williams <> wrote:
> Hi Maria,
> Development have confirmed that st_distance only works with points and we
> are currently working on integration of the GEOS Library plugin
> ( into Virtuoso which will give distances
> between  other Geometry types, but is work in progress and will probably be
> part of the next Virtuoso open source release. Thus unfortunately we are not
> able to provide a solution currently ...
> Best Regards
> Hugh Williams
> Professional Services
> OpenLink Software, Inc.      //    
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> Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers
> On 25 Feb 2016, at 09:22, Maria Jackson <> wrote:
> Dear Hugh,
> Thanks a lot for looking into this :)
> As I have a deadline, therefore I would greatly appreciate if the
> development team could reply soon :)
> On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:44 AM, Hugh Williams <>
> wrote:
> Hi Maria,
> We are checking this with development as I have found another occurrence of
> this error also and do believe the st_distance() function only works with
> points …
> There are two other functions, haversine_deg_km() &
> dist_from_point_to_line_segment() documented at:
> but they don’t seem to work either …
> Best Regards
> Hugh Williams
> Professional Services
> OpenLink Software, Inc.      //    
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> Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers

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