
I activated QueryLog = virtuoso.qrl in my virtuoso.ini to collect and analyze logs for queries performed against our Virtuoso instance but i've problems reading special chars in the results :

- is the file format simple text ?
- does it use compression ?
- proprietary format ? encoding ?



here is an excerpt when the file is opended in Notepad++ :

After code:
      0: __ro2sq := Call __ro2sq (.O)
      12: BReturn 0
time         0% fanout         0 input         0 rows
Select (__ro2sq, DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE_OF_OBJ, _cvt)
*̽ @ ¼ Á¼+½ ‚Ó ;L–HÒ‘ ¼½ @@µµSPARQLÌ̼ ½ 纽 9ö¶*  select __ro2sq (O), DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE_OF_OBJ (__ro2sq (O)) , cast (b3s_lbl_order (P, 0) as int) from RDF_QUAD table option (with 'facets') where S = __i2id (?) and P = __i2id ('http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#label', 0) and not is_bnode_iri_id (O) order by 3 option (same_as)*Ì÷|„¥aHå½ ¤„¼¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼B¼ÿ¼3¼¼½ >.¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¶ ^{ *
Params: <$29 dtp 242 (0, 0) >
time      0.95% fanout         1 input         1 rows
time        20% fanout         1 input         1 rows

      0: __i2id := Call __i2id (:0)
      5: BReturn 0
{ fork
time        32% fanout         1 input         1 rows
  Multistate transitive canned,  input (__i2id) output (i-__i2id)
time        16% fanout        63 input         1 rows
RDF Inference subproperty iterates inferred  o=  <none>  p= ##label
time        30% fanout         0 input        63 rows
RDF_QUAD      0.47 rows(.O, .P)
 inlined  P = inferred ,  S = k_i-__i2id
time         0% fanout         0 input         0 rows
END Node

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