Hi,I have virtuoso server installed and a graph with some data.
I want to retrieve all the data that has wkt geometry POINT inside a
specific POLYGON.
The POLYGON shape is set in the query statically.

This is my query:

PREFIX km4c: <http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#>
PREFIX foaf:<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>

>    ?service rdf:type <http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#RegularService>
> .
>    ?service <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#geometry> ?point
> FILTER (bif:st_within(?point, '((11.170692443847656
> 43.820532720877395,11.177387237548828 43.73922805497551,11.346988677978514
> 43.7389800058464,11.34183883666992 43.82239052849104,11.170692443847656
> 43.820532720877395))'))
> }limit 100

The problem is that I have returned blank results, and it is not possibile.
What I am doing wrong?

Thank you so much
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