Ah, I see, there's a binsrc/jena, binsrc/jena2, and binsrc/jena3.   I will look 
at the commits to this and try to answer my question on my own.
It would be nice to hear clearly what the commitment of OpenLink is to this.

From: Davis, Daniel (NIH/NLM) [C]
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 10:55 AM
To: virtuoso-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Virtuoso-users] Better question on virt-jena.jar

Who is maintaining virt-jena?  What is the process of maintaining this, e.g. is 
this portion of virtuoso purely contributed, or does OpenLink plan to update it 
and maintain it.

My application depends on virt-jena.  I will need to tell my boss where an 
upgrade to virt-jena is in an OpenLink roadmap, and also, whether we need to 
dedicate resources ourselves to keep this up to date, or socialize the issue 
with the contributors.  The claimed compatibility of virt-jena.jar is very old, 
and while it works up to 2.13.0, Jena 3 is now over a year old, and has many 

As a government shop, I ran my webapp dependencies through the OWASP dependency 
checker, and while I could make everything compliant, it is not the best way to 
override individual dependent libraries, and better to get individual dependent 
libraries to be updated.   I'd also love to see the process change to use Maven 
or Ant with ivy.


Dan Davis, Systems/Applications Architect (Contractor),
Office of Computer and Communications Systems,
National Library of Medicine, NIH

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