On 2/6/17 9:36 AM, Iker Esnaola wrote:
> Hello,
> I have my RDF triples in a Virtuoso Open Source version 07.20.3217.
> When querying my data, I would like to have some inferences already
> done (so that I am querying inferred stuff).
> I have read some documentation regarding this matter, and I reach this
> one (http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparqlrulemake/)  where as
> far as I understood, there are some rules you can define in order to
> make these inference.
> Did I understand it correctly? Does that mean that SWRL rules are not
> supported in Virtuoso? Could SPARQL Update used instead?
> Thanks in advance,
> Iker

As with most things related to RDF, we need some conceptual clarity with
regards to what things are and how they are implemented in Virtuoso.

Inference Rules:

A set of rules defined using a domain specific language (e.g., swirl,
rif, spin, etc.) that determine the evaluation relationship types
(relations) when producing a query solution.

Virtuoso & Inference Rules:

Current editions of Virtuoso support canned inference rules that support
relationship types described by RDFS and OWL ontologies [1].

The commercial edition of Virtuoso 8.0 (next release) will add support
for custom inference rules using either of the following:

[1] SPIN vocabulary -- which boils down to using SPARQL as a Custom
Inference Rules Language

[2] Virtuoso Macro Language -- same thing, but at a lower level while
still being based on SPARQL.


-- Canned Inference Rules Example Post

-- Custom Inference Rules Example Post


Kingsley Idehen       
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