I am not sure I understand the scope of the log_enable() procedure.    If I 
call log_enable(2,1); in a stored procedure, I am sure that it will affect the 
entire connection, but, will it affect other connections as well.   Would it, 
for instance, persist until reboot and affect other connections?   How can I 
verify this - is there any command that will output the current transaction 
isolation level?

Also, I have an inexplicable situation where my stored procedure loads a 
dataset in NTriples format into a graph, and then does some processing on that 
dataset.   It is important for the processing that the graph be empty at the 
beginning, e.g. before the load.   Try as I might, I seem to end-up in 
situations where the graph is not-empty, and I believe that this may be some 
interaction between log_enable() and the delete statement.   I would think 
naively that log_enable(2,1); would have no effect on the serialization of 
row-level operations *in the same connection*, but perhaps I misunderstand.

Dan Davis, Systems/Applications Architect (Contractor),
Office of Computer and Communications Systems,
National Library of Medicine, NIH

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