Hi Roland,

What is the URL actually giving the "The requested active content cannot be 
displayed due to execution restriction” error ? I presume https://hostname:4433 
 rather then https://hostname:4433/conductor which I would expect to give a 404 
error as there would be no /conductor  virtual directory for it to map to ?

To get rid of the  "The requested active content cannot be displayed due to 
execution restriction” error on https://hostname:4433 you would need to:

        1. From the Conductor UI on the http default (8890) port go to the “Web 
Application Server -> Virtual Domain & Directories” tab and click on the folder 
icon of the HTTPS listener  virtual domain/host you created to view its list of 
virtual directories

        2. Edit the “/“ ie root virtual directory which would be reading from 
the “ServerRoot” param setting in the INI file and set the “Default Page” to be 
“index.html” such that it load the index.html in that location. Then set the 
“VSP user” of the same vdir to be “dba”  (rather then “none").

Then the Virtuoso home page should load on the https listener port

To access the Conductor on the HTTPS listener port you would then need to 
duplicate the Virtual Directory [1] entry of the /conductor virtual directory 
for the Default HTTP listener ie 8890 which you can see its setting by editing 
the /conductor vdir for that existing http listener and use the entries to make 
the duplicate required for the HTTPS listener, at which point the conductor can 
then be access by it.

Once you have verified you can access the Conductor via the HTTPS listener, you 
can then delete the /conductor virtual directory on the default HTTP listener 
if you don’t want user to access it via the HTTP listener anymore or even 
create a rewrite rule [2] for it to  redirect it to the HTTPS listener.

[1] http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/admui.internetdomains/
[2] http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/urlrewriting/#urlrewriteruleconductor

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
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> On 2 May 2017, at 19:43, Roland Cornelissen <metamatter...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi 
> How can I provide HTTPS access to Conductor, and remove HTTP access to 
> Conductor?
> I have followed procedure as specified in [1] and configured an HTTPS 
> listener that makes contact on port 4433. But the page displayed says: 
> The requested active content cannot be displayed due to execution restriction
> My questions are : where can I control execution restrictions for Conductor, 
> and how should I do this to have only access through SSL?
> Thanks,
> Roland
> [1] 
> https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/doc/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSetupSSLVirtuoso#Generating%20SSL%20Key%20Using%20the%20Conductor%20UI
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