That's not my experience on several machines.  I've experienced this bug on
two servers, one running CentOS release 6.9 (Final) and one running Ubuntu
16.04.5 LTS.  The bug depends at least on loading in parallel *and*
encountering new language tags.  Loading the files a second time will almost
certainly result in no errors as the language tags will already have been
encountered and added in the previous partially completed run.

To check things out a bit further I tested on a new machine.  I did a fresh
download and install of Virtuoso Open Source (Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec
19 2018) on my laptop (a four-core, eight-thread machine running Fedora 29
with kernel 4.19.8-300.fc29.x86_64).

I downloaded, compiled, and installed Virtuoso as follows:

cd /home/virtuoso/test
git clone git://
cd virtuoso-opensource
make install prefix=/home/virtuoso/test/vos
cd ..

I put my generation code in the directory .../share/virtuoso/vad/ and
creaated the download files there so that I did not have to change
virtuoso.ini at all.   I then ran a slightly modified version of the test
script (attached).

cp vos/share/virtuoso/vad
( cd vos/share/virtuoso/vad ; python2.7 ./ )

The test script produced

#!/bin/bash -v
# Installation directories for Virtuoso open source

# Start up virtuoso as a daemon, waiting for initialization
( cd ${vdb} ; ${vbin}/virtuoso-t +wait )

${vbin}/isql 1111 dba dba PROMPT=OFF <<EOF
ld_dir ('/home/virtuoso/test/vos/share/virtuoso/vad', 'test*.ttl',
rdf_loader_run() &
rdf_loader_run() &
rdf_loader_run() &
rdf_loader_run() &
rdf_loader_run() &
rdf_loader_run() &
rdf_loader_run() &
rdf_loader_run() &
rdf_loader_run() &
rdf_loader_run() &
SELECT * FROM DB.DBA.load_list;
SPARQL SELECT count(*) FROM <> WHERE {?s ?p ?o};
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver

Done. -- 1 msec.
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
OpenLink Virtuoso Interactive SQL (Virtuoso)
Version 07.20.3230 as of Dec 19 2018
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3230 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver

Done. -- 0 msec.

Done. -- 0 msec.

Done. -- 42 msec.
Done. -- 42 msec.
Done. -- 43 msec.
Done. -- 42 msec.

Done. -- 41 msec.

Done. -- 41 msec.

Done. -- 58 msec.

Done. -- 265 msec.

Done. -- 68 msec.
        ll_state    ll_started           ll_done              ll_host
ll_work_time  ll_error
        INTEGER     TIMESTAMP            TIMESTAMP            INTEGER

        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 148859000
 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 17: SR197: Non unique
primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 149368000
 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 57: SR197: Non unique
primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 149938000
 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 92: SR197: Non unique
primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 150591000
 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 142: SR197: Non unique
primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 151513000
 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 199: SR197: Non unique
primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 152487000
 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 272: SR197: Non unique
primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 153781000
 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 365: SR197: Non unique
primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 155527000
 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 479: SR197: Non unique
primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 157558000
 0           NULL        23000 TURTLE RDF loader, line 632: SR197: Non unique
primary key on DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE.
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 146481000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 200422000
 0           NULL        NULL
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 186145000
 0           NULL        NULL
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 212614000
 0           NULL        NULL
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 239036000
 0           NULL        NULL
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 262955000
 0           NULL        NULL
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 287805000
 0           NULL        NULL
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 311630000
 0           NULL        NULL
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 336096000
 0           NULL        NULL
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 359084000
 0           NULL        NULL
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 384052000
 0           NULL        NULL
        2           2018.12.19 8:35.33 147008000  2018.12.19 8:35.33 408375000
 0           NULL        NULL

20 Rows. -- 1 msec.


1 Rows. -- 24 msec.

On 12/18/18 7:52 PM, Hugh Williams wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> I generated the datasets from your python script and loaded them into a local
> Virtuoso open source multiple times but did not see any occurrences of the 
> error:

Description: application/shellscript

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