Posted to Vanessa-Mae Mailing List by The Silver-Flag Boy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
For Chrissake STOP these messages!!!! I am getting utterly SICK of them.
Most probably the author isn't contactable, but Maysan/Tommy/whoever,
can't you filter them out? They all have "(Out of the office)" in the
title, so it shouldn't be difficult.
And, if it isn't there already, perhaps put something on the VM-L web-
interface page about people making sure their auto-responders or return-
receipt notifiers or whatever else are switched OFF for VM-L messages.


In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Petra Rodriguez
>Posted to Vanessa-Mae Mailing List by "Petra Rodriguez" 
>I will be out of the office Aug. 27th - Sept. 6th, if you need any assistance, 
>please contact Laura Martinez (martinel) at ext. 8446.
>If this is an IP related request, please contact either J.R. Bell at 
>ext. 8407 or Suzie Kiefer at 651-5390.

The Silver-Flag Boy
Vanessa-Mae WWW Site
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Children of England, why do you run for your lives? -- Sandra
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