
While I think the "one minute to disconnection" warning the Meetecho team just 
suggested is a great addition...

On Apr 10, 2016, at 2:04 PM, John C Klensin 
<<>> wrote:

I'd simply run a session with a separate Jabber
client, but that introduces some extra synchronization problems.

... I've alway run a separate Jabber client connected into each working group 
chat when remote.

I've done this for a couple of reasons:

1. In the past, I had occasions when the Meetecho client would freeze or 
otherwise require me to disconnect and restart the session;

2. I've had issues where my browser crashed because of some other site... but 
in doing so it took down the Meetecho session; and

3. I've had a number of cases where I wanted to go back and get something out 
of a chat and I knew from experience that when Meetecho ended you had to get 
the chat from the chat logs... which was another place to go.

Typically, I've often been monitoring several sessions simultaneously through 
Jabber chat rooms, and so I'm already running a separate Jabber client.  My 
usual process has been to have one Meetecho session up with the main group I'm 
interested in, and then separate Jabber chat windows for the other sessions.  
So it's no big deal for me to also have a Jabber chat room for the working 
group that I'm also in via Meetecho.

It does mean I'm in that room twice via two different clients, but that is what 
has worked for me.


Dan York
Senior Content Strategist, Internet Society<>   +1-802-735-1624
Skype: danyork

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