On 4/15/16 7:18 AM, Stewart Bryant wrote:

On 15/04/2016 12:03, Meetecho IETF support wrote:
- 712 unique remote participants joined Meetecho through the week;
among these, 282 opted to also put their Registration ID.

There was something odd about the registration number system.

I tried to enter my registration number a few times but it rejected it
every time.

Since it did not REQUIRE(sic)  the registration number  I just used the
option not to enter it.

I understand how linking to the registration could be helpful. But the registration number isn't something that sticks in your memory. So I had to look up my registration confirmation and copy/paste the number. Doing that *once* wouldn't be much of a bother. But doing it for every session I entered was.

I think we need to find a better system for this. Perhaps cookies could be used to remember this stuff for the duration of the week. Then at least it would only be necessary to enter it once per device.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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