On 1/30/17 11:26 AM, John Leslie wrote:
Paul Kyzivat <paul.kyzi...@comcast.net> wrote:
On 1/29/17 8:21 PM, Alia Atlas wrote:
1) A physical location for the meeting...
2) Limited attendance and interest...
3) Split Community...
4) Inconvenience of time-zone...

I concur with all of the above. I don't see how these are likely to be

   Many of us, in an earlier life, have done our best work after local
midnight. If we no longer can, perhaps there are others younger than us...

I'm not saying that time zone differences are a blocker for remote participation. I have indeed gotten up in the middle of the night to join in.

But the time zone differences are a severe impediment to remote participation *via a hub*. At home I can just get up for the meetings I care about and then go to bed. For a hub, where I have to get ready to go out and then drive some distance, the wasted time is too great.

When actually attending remotely you are actually forced to operate on the local time zone. In principle you could also do that for remote participation. Doing so from home *might* be workable if you have a lot of meetings to attend. Doing so at a hub would be very difficult unless you had a place to stay adjacent to the hub. If that is a hotel, it will make the cost of participation significant.

The only way I can see this working would be for the IETF to simultaneously host an IETF meeting in multiple locations - perhaps one per continent. But I don't see much advantage to that.


   Physical location isn't as hard as some suggest. Two conference rooms
within five-minutes walk would cover most needs, if we add a dozen library

   It might well turn out that we could arrange hotel/motel close enough
that the individual carrels could fit within the rented room.

   Understand that $100 out-of-pocket feels quite different than $3,000
out-of-pocket to many of us...

John Leslie <j...@jlc.net>

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