At 12:55 PM 12/22/00 +0100, Martin Zinser wrote:
>      I just started to play around with VMS::Queue and may be  I'm just
>                (most probably even since I've got a  bad cold). I try
>something like this:
>use VMS::Queue;
>%entry_cond = {jobname=>"BATSER"};
>@entries = VMS::Queue::entry_list(\%entry_cond);
>for ($i==0;$i<=$#entries;$i++) {print $entries[$i], "\n"};
>\%entryprop = VMS::Queue::entry_info($entries[0]);
>print \$entryprop{"jobname"},
>foreach $prop (keys(%entryprop)) { printf "%s: %s\n", $prop,

The docs are misleading for some of the calls. entry_info returns a hash 
reference, which was what I was trying to indicate in the summary, but it 
really isn't at all clear. (Plus it's syntactically meaningless...)

Change that to:

    $entryprop = VMS::Queue::entry_info($entries[0]);
    print $entryprop->{JOBNAME};

and I think you'll find it works better.

I'll update the docs and see about getting a new version on CPAN soon. 
(And, FWIW, I found out why none of the VMS modules show up on might get fixed soon)


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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