Op een zonnige zomerdag (Sunday 21 August 2005 15:39), schreef Abe Timmerman:

> Hi all,
> I still cannot build bleadperl on the VAX:
> CC/DECC/Include=[]/Standard=Relaxed_ANSI/Prefix=All/Obj=GLOBALS.obj/NoList/
>         EXTCONST char* const PL_sig_name[] = { SIG_NAME };
>         .......................................^
> %CC-E-UNDECLARED, In the initializer for PL_sig_name[0], "$sig_name_init"
> is not declared.
>                 At line number 3640 in
> This bit in the @configure output might be related:
> Good, found drand48().
> %DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling

It did, patch fixes it:

--- configure.com.orig  Sun Aug 21 16:26:55 2005
+++ configure.com       Sun Aug 21 16:27:26 2005
@@ -4926,7 +4926,7 @@
 $      sig_size="37"
 $   else
 $      sig_name = sig_name1 + sig_name2 + sig_name3 + sig_namert
-$       sig_name_init = psnwc1 + psnwc2 + psnwc3 + psnwrt
+$       sig_name_init = psnwc1 + psnwc2 + psnwc3 + psnwcrt
 $      sig_num = sig_num1 + sig_numrt
 $      sig_num_init = sig_num_init1 + sig_num_initrt
 $      sig_size="36"

Good luck,

Well, dereferencing that (as CvGV() would do) leads nowhere.  Or, as
the Ten Commandments for C Programmers quoth, "Thou shalt not follow
the NULL pointer, for chaos and madness await thee at its end."
                                   -- Jarkko Hietaniemi on p5p @ 2002-05-14

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