The bug seems to be in *mp_do_fileify_dirspec.

        else {  /* This is a top-level dir.  Add the MFD to the path. */
          if (buf) retspec = buf;
          else if (ts) Newx(retspec,retlen+16,char);
          else retspec = __fileify_retbuf;
          cp1 = esa;
          cp2 = retspec;
          while (*cp1 != ':') *(cp2++) = *(cp1++);

With this value of esa, the while statement just runs away, and will eventually cause *cp2 to write over something unless either *cp1 or *cp2 cause an access violation.

*VMS\mp_do_fileify_dirspec\%LINE 104099\esa:    "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9"

I have not had time to track down how it got to this state. I will try to track that down tomorrow.

At this point, the stack is already destroyed, so I will need to restart the debugging run and trap all calls to mp_do_fileify_dirspec.

I suspected the Newx statement because it could be making an incorrect assumption about how much space is really needed, but the debugger is claiming that ts is 0 so it should not have been executed. Of course with the stack looking a bit corrupted, that could be wrong.

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