At 9:56 AM -0500 1/8/06, John E. Malmberg wrote:

>Tru64 and OpenVMS share the same compiler with many of the same defaults. 


>Currently for OpenVMS, ANSI aliasing is active.

Actually, we explicitly turn it off in

$   IF Dec_C_Version .GE. 60200000 .AND. archname .NES. "VMS_VAX"
$   THEN
$     echo4 "adding /NOANSI_ALIAS qualifier to ccflags."
$     ccflags = ccflags + "/NOANSI_ALIAS"

The last time this came up, which was maybe five years ago, we had to
do this because the sources were nowhere near being in compliance
with the ANSI aliasing rules.  Whether we are any closer now or not I
don't know.
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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