I ran into the following bug today:

If the following program

  DKWS38>type sys$login:tt.pl

   my $t = `show default`;
   print "hello $t\n";

is run, while my current directory is set to
a directory I do not have access to, as in:

  DKWS38>set def foo$exe:
   %DIRECT-E-OPENIN, error opening foo$:[EXE]*.*;* as input
   -RMS-E-PRV, insufficient privilege or file protection violation

perl crashes with the following message:

  DKWS38>perl sys$login:tt.pl

  Fatal VMS error (status=98970) at
  line 6896 at sys$login:tt.pl line 1.
  %RMS-E-PRV, insufficient privilege or file protection violation

Have fun,

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