John E. Malmberg wrote:
This patch updates vms.c and vmsish.h:

In vmsish.h, add a new flag for RMSEXPAND to tell it not to do the initial vmsify() step when it is not needed.

The ODS-2 only variant of the RMSEXPAND was missing some of the fixes needed for using it to completely replace vmsify() for internal use where the output needs to fit in 256 characters.

Perl_cando_by_name() was also calling vmsify() or rmsexpand() sometimes on filenames that were already in the proper VMS format.

Removing the redundant or unneeded calls to vmsify() results on in the 6 minute reduction in the time needed to run the Perl test suite on my system. The CPU time reduction can not easily be calculated because it does not include subprocesses.

EAGLE> search thread.log; " time"
 Elapsed CPU time:          0 00:02:18.80
 Connect time:              0 01:15:17.85

EAGLE> search thread.log;-1 " time"
 Elapsed CPU time:          0 00:02:20.64
 Connect time:              0 01:21:26.60

Any progress on this patch?


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