At 3:15 PM -0400 8/26/06, John E. Malmberg wrote:
>Craig A. Berry wrote:
>>In [.vms]vms.c, do_tounixspec(), we now convert sys$scratch to tmp
>>using the code below.  This breaks things that convert to unix specs
>>for convenience and then convert back to VMS specs.  Such as:
>>$ perldoc  -f opendir
>>Error in tempfile() using tmp:XXXXXXXXXX: Could not create temp file 
>>tmp:x8rVYNDDzE: no such device or address at /perl_root/lib/Pod/Perldoc.
>>pm line 1507
>>%SYSTEM-F-ABORT, abort
>>There is no "tmp:" device so you can't create a temporary file there.
>>So, I'm curious, since /sys$scratch is just as valid a unix fiile
>>spec as /tmp, why replace it?
>Good question.
>Under normal conditions CRTL will internally translate /tmp to SYS$SCRATCH: if 
>the logical name "TMP:" does not exist.
>Since Perl sometimes uses the CRTL translations, and sometimes uses it's own, 
>the UNIX to VMS translation needs to also do this, or we end up with parts of 
>Perl translating UNIX file specifications to VMS differently.
>So /tmp/XXXXXXXX should work.
>But the CRTL does not do the reverse translation, which will break tests that 
>assume that vmsify() will reverse a unixify().

Well, maybe Perl should do the reverse translation, turning /tmp into
sys$scratch: when no tmp logical exists.

>Anything that is converting a VMS format specification to a UNIX specification 
>and then reversing it, is going to be broken for a number of VMS file 
>specifications.  One of the things that I am working on is removing all those 
>double translation cases from the core modules, and updating the documentation 
>for vmsify and unixify as to why.
>I am also trying to make sure that most of the common cases of 
>"vmsify(unixify($foo)) == $foo" and "unixify(vmsify($foo)) == $foo" work, 
>because the incorrect assumption that this can be done is so prevalent.  These 
>problems especially show up when the EFS character set is enabled.
>It appears here that something in Perldoc translated a VMS specification to 
>UNIX, and then tried to treat portions of the UNIX specification as VMS format 
>instead of keeping the file specification in UNIX format. That will only work 
>with a subset of UNIX file specifications.
>Most likely the vms specific code that is causing this problem could/should 
>simply be removed.

Well, here's the culprit:

$ perl -"MFile::Spec" -e "print File::Spec->eliminate_macros('sys$scratch:');"

Ditto with the MakeMaker version, which is now supposed to be the
authoritative version of eliminate_macros:

$ perl -"MExtUtils::MakeMaker" -e "print MM->eliminate_macros('sys$scratch:');"

Lots of things will break in MakeMaker if we simply remove
eliminate_macros.  Whether it still needs to be called from catdir
and catpath in File::Spec is worth investigating.  On the surface,
there should be no general reason to expand Makefile macros when not
generating a Makefile, but there may be other normalization features
of eliminate_macros that we've come to depend on.  And even more
likely, there may be cases where MakeMaker calls catdir and catfile
and assumes that macros have been expanded.

>As of VMS 8.3, /tmp could be:
>All depending on how the C feature logicals, the POSIX root, or the logical 
>names tmp or sys$posix_root are defined.
>Consider also the cases are that "./foo" is sometimes "[]foo.*" where * is 
>based on the context of it being used by a VMS utility and other times it is 
>simply "[]foo." where sometimes the trailing "." is significant.
>And "[]foo." needs to be translated to "./foo".  "./foo." translates to 

We clearly need lots and lots of test cases.
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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