Hi Craig and John,

the output of 

 perl -cwe "use Devel::ptkdb;"

gives "-e syntax ok"

The problem in this case is that I'm trying to run a script from "eval" within 
the persistent.pl file in the perlembed doc. It doesn't seem to have the same 
behaviour as 

$ perl -e "#!perl -d:flirble; print 'hello world';"

When I put #!perl -d:ptkdb in the first line of the script being eval'd, it 
never loads the debugger at all. It just ignores the first line and keeps going.

It's really frustrating. I've tried all sorts of silly things involving the 
PERLOPT and PERL5DB logicals. 



"Craig A. Berry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: At 6:46 PM -0500 12/18/06, John E. 
Malmberg wrote:
>doug brann wrote:
>>so my (latest) problem is that I'm running embedded, persistent perl in a 
>>manner very similar to the perldoc on perlembed (which I've attached at the 
>>bottom of this e-mail)
>>All of this is straight forward enough. But sometimes the script that is 
>>being run needs to be debugged, and my users ALL use ptkdb. If this were 
>>being run under UNIX, the problem would be quickly solved. I would just have 
>>the user modify his first line to read:
>>#!/apps/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
>>When a UNIX user does this in a persistent, embedded perl, he gets the 
>>perl/Tk debugger to start up, albeit a little weirdly (he has to reload the 
>>Since VMS perl seems to ignore the #!/apps... line I really don't know what 
>>to do.
>Support for the #!/apps... on VMS was put into blead a while back, and may be 
>in the unstable development release.  I have not kept track.
>It should be possible to back port that code into a patch for a production 
>release of Perl.
>The patch for blead was written assuming that support for full length 
>filenames is present.

I'm not sure what patch you refer to.  Some degree of modified
shebang line support has been in Perl on VMS for many years, at least
the part that supports switches.  And a quick test shows that the
current development release will attempt to load an alternate
debugger from the shebang line:

$ perl -e "#!perl -d:flirble; print 'hello world';"
Can't locate Devel/flirble.pm in @INC (@INC contains: 
perl_root:[lib.VMS_AXP.5_9_5] perl_root:[lib] perl_root:[lib.site_perl.VMS_AXP
] perl_root:[lib.site_perl] .) at -e line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.

and I get identical results from Perl 5.8.4, so the support for this
is not at all new.

So, if ptkdb is definitely available in the Devel::* namespace, then
something else is wrong.  What version of Perl are you running, Doug?
What do you get from:

$ perl -cwe "use Devel::ptkdb;"

Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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