John E. Malmberg wrote:


One issue is that the VMS specific File::Spec routines should never be calling vmsify() or unixify(). These routines are not reversible, even if they make some cases of parsing more convenient, there are a number of VMS path specifications that can not make the round trip intact.

If I remember my VMS, This happens when a directory hangs of a logical thingy, to get around the eight depth limit? Such as


unixified might give


and when vmsified you might not get back the right version and in any event [] overflows what a legal path may be?


What is needed is a routine or regex that converts such a path name to a format acceptable for VMS ODS-2 volumes, that is replacing the "."s with an "_".

Some where along the line a similar routine will likely be needed to covert things like to


Any suggestions or help would be appreciated, particularly with algorithms to handle the conversion of paths and filenames with multiple dots (or other characters not in [A-Z][0-9][\-\_] in them.

I don't know what the rules are for paths, but your filename munging would look like

    $filename =~ s/[0-9A-Z_-](?=.*?\.)/_/g;

(specifically avoiding \d, \w re: utf-8 matching)


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