While there are still some CPANPLUS tests that are not working on VMS, these patches improve things.

Note that the tests require that the symbol "PERL" be set up as a foreign command for the non-debug perl image from blead.

In lib/Module/Build/Base.pm, catfile is needed for merging files with directories,.

In lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Build/t/02_CPANPLUS-Dist-Build.t, catfile is needed for merging files with directories. Also need to look for the C<.packlist> in $Config{archname} . 'auto'.

In lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Build.pm, On VMS, the command arguments need to be quoted, and ".com" needs to be appended to match the filename created by module build.

In lib/CPANPLUS/Internals/Extract.pm, catdir on VMS can not deal with directory components with dots in them. Need to translate them as VMS.C in the default mode expects them. This is a temporary hack that will need to be revised as ODS-5 support is integrated in to Perl.

Currently the following CPANPLUS tests are failing for me:


not ok 230

Tests start failing at 9.

Currently the CPANPLUS tests are appending a new UNIX path to the PATH and PERL5LIB logical names each time they are run. I have not figured out how to stop that.

Personal Opinion Only

--- /rsync_root/perl/lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Build/t/02_CPANPLUS-Dist-Build.t Mon May 
28 08:24:25 2007
+++ lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Build/t/02_CPANPLUS-Dist-Build.t  Sun Sep  2 16:14:52 2007
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
     ### set the fetch location -- it's local
     {   my $where = File::Spec->rel2abs(
-                            File::Spec->catdir( $Src, $path, $mod->package )
+                            File::Spec->catfile( $Src, $path, $mod->package )
         $mod->status->fetch( $where );
@@ -232,13 +232,19 @@
   my $file = File::Spec->catfile( split m/::/, $module );
   my $candidate;
   foreach (@INC) {
-    if (-e ($candidate = File::Spec->catdir($_, $file))
+    if (-e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, $file))
-        -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catdir($_, "$file.pm"))
+        -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, "$file.pm"))
-        -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catdir($_, 'auto', $file))
+        -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, 'auto', $file))
-        -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catdir($_, 'auto', "$file.pm"))) {
+        -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, 'auto', "$file.pm"))
+        or
+        -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, $Config{archname},
+                                             'auto', $file))
+        or
+        -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, $Config{archname},
+                                             'auto', "$file.pm"))) {
       return $candidate;
--- /rsync_root/perl/lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Build.pm Thu May 24 10:13:33 2007
+++ lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Build.pm  Sun Sep  2 00:51:01 2007
@@ -640,7 +640,13 @@
         ### don't worry about loading the right version of M::B anymore
         ### the 'new_from_context' already added the 'right' path to
         ### M::B at the top of the build.pl
-        my $cmd     = [$perl, BUILD->($dir), 'install', $buildflags];
+        my $cmd;
+        if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+            $cmd = [$perl, BUILD->($dir) . ".com",
+                    '"install"', "\"$buildflags\""];
+        } else {
+            $cmd = [$perl, BUILD->($dir), 'install', $buildflags];
+        }
         my $sudo    = $conf->get_program('sudo');
         unshift @$cmd, $sudo if $sudo;
--- /rsync_root/perl/lib/CPANPLUS/Internals/Extract.pm  Fri Aug 31 17:43:18 2007
+++ lib/CPANPLUS/Internals/Extract.pm   Sat Sep  1 15:52:49 2007
@@ -199,8 +199,17 @@
     ### well, then we really don't know.
     my $dir;
-    for my $try ( File::Spec->rel2abs( File::Spec->catdir(   
-                    $to, $mod->package_name .'-'. $mod->package_version ) ),
+    my $pkg_namver = $mod->package_name .'-'. $mod->package_version;
+       # catdir on VMS can not currently deal with directory components
+       # with dots in them.  In the default mode, VMS.C internally
+       # converts these to '_'.  This will need to be fixed again here
+       # when EFS character support is enabled, and that may require
+       # testing for that.
+    $pkg_namver =~ tr/\./_/ if $^O eq 'VMS';
+    for my $try ( File::Spec->rel2abs( File::Spec->catdir( $to, $pkg_namver ) 
                   File::Spec->rel2abs( $ae->extract_path ),
     ) {
         ($dir = $try) && last if -d $try;
--- /rsync_root/perl/lib/Module/Build/Base.pm   Mon Jul 16 22:38:20 2007
+++ lib/Module/Build/Base.pm    Sun Sep  2 14:43:57 2007
@@ -3796,7 +3796,7 @@
   if ($self->create_packlist and my $module_name = $self->module_name) {
     my $archdir = $self->install_destination('arch');
     my @ext = split /::/, $module_name;
-    $map{write} = File::Spec->catdir($archdir, 'auto', @ext, '.packlist');
+    $map{write} = File::Spec->catfile($archdir, 'auto', @ext, '.packlist');
   # Handle destdir

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