On Sep 22, 5:29 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John E. Malmberg) wrote:
> Craig A. Berry wrote:
> > At 7:49 PM -0500 9/20/07, John E. Malmberg wrote:
> >>Peter (Stig) Edwards wrote:
> >>>Content of
> >>>  http://rt.cpan.org//Ticket/Display.html?id=29513
> >>>below:
> >>>Hello and thanks for maintaining PathTools.
> >>>The question/bug I have is:
> >>>"What should File::Spec->canonpath() return?"
> >>>On VMS (PathTools 3.17 and 3.25) I get undef:
> >>>perl -e "use strict;use warnings;use File::Spec;print defined
> >>>File::Spec->canonpath() ? 'def' : 'undef';"
> >>>undef
> >>>On UNIX (PathTools 3.23) I get empty string:
> >>>perl -e "use strict;use warnings;use File::Spec;print defined
> >>>File::Spec->canonpath() ? 'def' : 'undef';"
> >>>def
> >>I would expect C<canonpath(undef)> to behave the same for both.
> > Agreed.
> >> There is a problem on VMS if File::Spec->canonpath(undef) returns
> >> '',  as VMS will treat '' 'as SYS$DISK:[].;' which is likely to cause
>  >> hard to detect problems,
> > Uh, what?  A return statement that looks like C<return '';> does not
> > return a string containing two single quote characters; it returns a
> > zero-length string.  I must be missing what you're saying somehow.
> Yes.  What Peter is reporting is that File::Spec->canopath(undef) on VMS
> currently returns C<undef>.
> On UNIX it is returning C<''> or the zero length string.
> A VMS file create of C<''> or a zero length string will succeed and
> create a file with the name C<SYS$DISK[].;>, which is probably not desired.
> So that is why I have the opinion that the current VMS behavior of
> File::Spec->canonpath(undef) is more correct than the current UNIX
> behavior, because it makes the error condition visible.
> Having File::Spec->canonpath(undef) return C<undef> just seems logical,
> and since both '' and undef will probably cause error conditions on UNIX.
> -John- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Thanks for your thoughts and information, I'll add to this patch:


a patch that stops File::Spec->catdir() being called on files on VMS.

Peter (Stig) Edwards

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