Nicholas Clark wrote:
On Sat, Sep 29, 2007 at 11:41:08AM -0500, Craig A. Berry wrote:

Obviously I consider the blead changes correct since I made them :-).
Sorry not to keep you up-to-date; I think I had a fantasy that I
would get all the M::B on VMS issues worked out and submit one big
patch, but even with John's help that hasn't happened and is unlikely
to before 5.10.

Do you have a rough list of what issues remain easily to hand?

The Module build issues left are : ppm.t, tilde.t, and xs.t

The xs.t has me a bit puzzled as to how to diagnose it further.

Here is the complete list of self test failures for me with PERL on VMS in its traditional ODS-2 only mode.


not ok 23
#   Failed test at [-.ext.cwd.t]cwd.t line 184.
#                   '/project_root/perl-blead/t/linktest/'
#     doesn't match '(?-xism:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_/$)'
not ok 24
#   Failed test at [-.ext.cwd.t]cwd.t line 185.
#                   '/project_root/perl-blead/t/linktest/'
#     doesn't match '(?-xism:t/_ptrslt_/_path_/_to_/_a_/_dir_/$)'

This is either a bug somewhere in the realpath handling specific to Perl on VMS, or a setup error on my system. I have not yet determined which.

Preliminary investigation indicates this may be a setup issue with my environment for VMS POSIX compliant name syntax.

If it does appear to be a setup error, I would like to see if I add a VMS specific test to diagnose this case.


At least one test is leaving behind a file '.;' and that is causing this test to fail because it is present. Deleting that file makes this test pass.

TODO: Have check for this at the end of a test and flag it as failure in some way. I just discovered that it one of the tests in this message is leaving '.;' behind, but not sure which.


This seems to require that the "PERL" command on VMS be set up to
run the current blead-perl or something close. The default HP PERL 5.8.6 does not seem to work.

With Perl set up, it passes for me interactively.


not ok 230 - Found list of installed modules
#   Failed test 'Found list of installed modules'
#   at [-.lib.cpanplus.t]08_cpanplus-backend.t line 213.

I have not been able to figure out what this test is looking for, or where it is looking for it yet.

If someone could help me a little bit here, it may not be too hard to fix.

My current suspicions is that the missing list is ending up as "." because of some error in handling VMS format filenames.


This seems to have the same case as 02_cpanplus-dist-build.t


# Can't rmdir for_find: invalid argument

Needs to be looked at, it occurs when the file '.;' is present.

This test is victimized by some other test leaving behind a file named '.;', as above. Currently it is failing for at test 3, and I need to investigate that.


Same here.


not ok 23 - removed directory (old style 2)
#   Failed test 'removed directory (old style 2)'
#   at [-.lib.file]path.t line 105.
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '1'

I think this was discussed on the perl-porters list already. I do not remember the details.


The fork function is unimplemented at ../lib/IPC/ line 150.
# Looks like your test died just after 11.

It is right, there is no fork in VMS. I have not looked into this one, as it showed up recently.


With my patches this now passes when run interactively.
The module Build routines may require that the C<PERL> command on VMS run blead-perl as noted above.

The tests are also verbose, and that may affect the test wrappers.


Now passes for me interactively


Now passes for me interactively


Now passes for me interactively


Now passes for me interactively


: checksum error at []ppm.t line 122
Invalid header block at offset unknown at []ppm.t line 122

Lots of the above errors.  I have not looked into them.


Now passes for me interactively


Now passes for me interactively


Now passes for me interactively


VMS glob routines currently do not support C<~>, so that is a todo item, one of a few things that VMS glob routines get wrong with handling UNIX file specifications.


Can't locate object method "blib
" via package "Module::Build" at /PROJECT_ROOT/PERL-BLEAD/lib/Module/Build/Base.
pm line 2210.
# Looks like you planned 22 tests but only ran 15.

This works find when run in debug, so I am still trying to figure out what is wrong. The extra line break in the error message may be a clue.


I am confused by the output of this, it is very verbose, yet shows 6 numbered tests passing when running interactively.


Some test is leaving behind a file '.;' and that breaks this test, as indicated above.


Feature "err" is not supported by Perl 5.10.0 at - line 3

Currently fails tests 2 - 6 with a lot of verbose messages. I have not looked into this.

The error message indicates that I have the wrong version of a file somewhere.


This test appears to be depending on an environment variable that is normally not present on VMS to be present and it being in a specific syntax.

It passes for Craig, yet fails for me. This needs more investigation as to what the correct behavior is.

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