On 09 Sep 2007, at 07:58, John E. Malmberg wrote:

In 20_CPANPLUS-Dist-MM.t fix to unlink calls to unlink all versions of a file.

Thanks, applied.

In CPANPLUS/Dist/Build/t/inc/conf.pl and CPANPLUS/t/inc/conf.pl,

save and restore PATH and PERL5LIB settings on VMS.
PATH can not be completely restored on VMS if it did not exist due to limitations in the current interface.

Thanks, applied.

Fix directory cleanup to use catdir() for concatenating directories so that it works on VMS.

Again, a few questions about this patch.

@@ -91,12 +113,15 @@
             next if $file =~ /^\./;  # skip dot files

             my $path = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $file );
+            $file =~ s/\.dir//i if $^O eq 'VMS';
+            my $dirpath = File::Spec->catdir( $dir, $file );

             ### directory, rmtree it
-            if( -d $path ) {
-                print "Deleting directory '$path'\n" if $verbose;
-                eval { rmtree( $path ) };
- warn "Could not delete '$path' while cleaning up '$dir'" if $@;
+            if( -d $dirpath ) {
+                print "Deleting directory '$dirpath'\n" if $verbose;
+                eval { rmtree( $dirpath ) };
+ warn "Could not delete '$dirpath' while cleaning up '$dir'"
+                    if $@;

             ### regular file
             } else {

What's the $file =~ meant to do? Why does regular $path not work? and why
are we leaving $path? Is this the type of patch we might need to do else
where as well?

  Jos Boumans

  How do I prove I'm not crazy to people who are?

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