On Tuesday, October 14, 2008, at 02:41PM, "Dr. Martin P.J. Zinser" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nice to see your post.  It's been awhile.

>just tried to build 5.10.0 on OpenVMS Alpha 7.3 (yes, I know it is old) with 
>Compaq C V6.5-001.
>The build fails in vms.c with he following error message:
>t/float=ieee/ieee=denorm/Define=(PERL_CORE,_LARGEFILE=1) VMS.C
>        case_perm = PPROP$K_CASE_BLIND;
>%CC-E-UNDECLARED, In this statement, "PPROP$K_CASE_BLIND" is not declared.
>at line number 13603 in file DISK$USER:[ZINSER.TMP.PERL]vms.c;1
>    if ((case_perm == PPROP$K_CASE_SENSITIVE) ||
>%CC-E-UNDECLARED, In this statement, "PPROP$K_CASE_SENSITIVE" is not declared.
>at line number 13607 in file DISK$USER:[ZINSER.TMP.PERL]vms.c;1
>According to the docset these were added to VMS in 7.3-1 so a fix might 
>look like this in line 13597
>#if defined(JPI$_CASE_LOOKUP_PERM) && !defined(__VAX) && (__CRTL_VER >= 
>which is really the same as already employed for the include earlier in the 

I would have thought this:


would have taken care of it.  If I understand what you're saying, it looks as 
though the JPI item codes for case lookup appeared in 7.3 but the constants to 
compare the results against did not show up until 7.3-1.   Maybe checking for 
the definedness of the PPROP$ constants would be the most robust check.

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