I have VNC installed on an AIX 5.1 box.
I have Gnome installed and configured to load by default using the .xinitrc file in 
roots home directory.
When you log on locally, it starts Gnome no problem.

I can launch VNC usring the vncserver script and it reports starting on display :1.  
(:0 is already reserved for the local)
When I connected using vncviewer I got only the gray desktop + a cursor.  (XDM is 
running btw)
Ok...I used startx -d :1 to manually start the session and it worked. Vnc and GNOME 
were happy on the the viewer.

Here's the kicker....now when I launch vncviewer it starts the session fine, only it 
brings up CDE.  (without startx -d...)
If I use startx -d :1 again it starts to load GNOME but it complains that I'm not 
using a GNOME compliant window manager but still loads.  (Kind of merges with CDE).  
Then if I change the windows manager to let's say sawfish, 
it cleans up the display and we have GNOME.
Each time now when I connect with vncviewer I get the CDE.

Why does it find the CDE (now and not before) and why doesn't it use the same as when 
I log on locally?  
I admit I am not an Xpert by any stretch of the imagination and would appreciate any 
suggestions as to what may
be the problem and/or how I might troubleshoot.  Where should I look?

Help is greatly apprectiated!
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