
> I'm interested to know if this kind of script can work on W2K

As far as I know, it won't because the script has this line -

>rem Install the service
>C:\Progra~1\ORL\VNC\WinVNC.exe -install

- and users can't install or start/stop services.

With Windows 2k - you could get VNC on the boxes with:

1) Fashpush (sorry for blowing my own trumpet) at www.darkage.co.uk

2) Make a MSI file with the Active Directory toolkit and make it a forced 
published application to your 2k boxes (no effect on NT4 tho).

3) Or, if you have Novell 4, 5 or 6 - make a zen object and force it on to user 
workstations via the login script.

All of the above options uses extra technology to assume admin rights when 
the installer kicks off.

> I've heard that the logon scripts run under administrative
> priviledges, but I've never tested this. Thanks in advance.

Not as far as I am aware..... what you could do - and it would be a bit scary - 
would be to use something like SU or RUNAS and run a VNC installing batch 
file from the login script. Of course, you run the risk of someone finding your 
admin password from that, so like I said, it's a bit dodgy.

Hope that helps!


Richard Harris
Environment IT, NCC
Ext 4509

"Service, price , quality: pick any two."
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