I am trying to provide support (remote admin) for another Mac via VNC, but
am having problems.

AOL on both ends the server is running MAC OS 8, the viewer is running 9.
AOL does seem to be using a proxy, but using NetMonitor, I can ping the VNC
Pinging sometimes works OK, but occasionally gets to packet number 8 and
seems to stall.

Upon launching VNC viewer and telling it to connect to: "IP Address x:0" it
never connects.
Eventually I get a message about StartConTimedOut.

I have tried this three times to no avail...

What I did find interesting, and do not know if it is causing a problem, is
using the AOL interface I can go to a website to  display my web address,
then if I launch IE 5, go to the same web site, it states my IP address is
different.  I expected it to be the same.  Is this normal in networking (so
there is no confusion between when to update the AOL browser - which is a
customized IE interface, versus IE 5, since IE 5 is basically running "on
top of" AOL?

Any suggestions on how to resolve this so I can use VNC to remote Admin the
other machine...  Since I do not connect, I so not even get so much as a the
VNC login screen.

Any help that could be offered would be appreciated....

To further troubleshoot instead of connecting to the other machine, I ran
the server on my machine OS 9x, and went to http://www.gotomyvnc.com.  One
time I was "lucky" and it told me it could connect.  All the other times I
have attempted it will not work.  Furthermore, AOL Tech Support indicated
that they do not support networking computers,  hence I am left to believe
that I either have to somehow get it to run over port 80.  I understand the
marketing talk of support form their perspective  - "it may be able to be
done, my not with our help."

Thanks, and sorry for the long message...
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