
can anyone help me with changing the keyboard mapping for Xvnc (3.3.4)? I use 
vncviewer from Win2k to connect to a linux box running Xnvc and kde 3.0.4.
My keyborad is of german layout and most of the keys work as expected. The only
ones i need to change/enable is the "EuroSign" and a "faulty" "^" (which 
generates a double-^ when pressed). I searched the hole net and the mailing 
lists, but didn't find an answer. I tried xkeycaps and xmodmap but without 
When pressing the "AltGr" key it is expanded to "Control_L" and "Alt_R" (seen 
with xev). But i don't know how to combine this keypress with the key "e" so 
that "AltGr+e" generates the EuroSign. The EuroSign itself is supported. I 
managed it to bring up the EuroSign with "Shift-E". But this is not the 
solution. I tried to investigate how the "@"-sign ist generated. But it seems 
to me, that this keystrokes are appended dynamicaly (invoked mapkey -pke before
pressing AltGr-Q, which generates a "@", and after. A new keycode appeared!). 
Can anybody help me?  

Thanx in advance for any help or hint

Email: Rudolf Dot Kollien at medas.de
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