
Is there an X-tool in solaris that allows
me to dial up different RGB values and
see what text looks like on a background
of another RGB value?

The situtation is that I'm using TightVNC
to connect to a solaris8 box
(www.tightvnc.com).  I use the default
8-bit true color mode because I have
difficulty with the flashiness of pseudocolor.
I do not use more color planes because
of bandwidth considerations, and due to
stability (I haven't been able to successfully
compile newer versions of TightVNC).  But
8 bits is very coarse, so I have to tweak all
my colors (I spend alot of time staring
at gvim's syntax colorization).

It would be very convenient if I could
just dial in RGB values for background
and text using sliders, then hard code it
when I found a good one.  Not only would
it be useful for gvim, but also for twm.
If I had two desktops, one as a window
within another, I want my twm colors to
be different for the two desktops.  Other-
wise, it's easy to lose track of which desk
top an xterm or matlab window resides in.
You can really mess up your work that way.

Using sliders is especially handy when
color quantization  is coarse because
you can muck around with command-
line color settings forever.  The colors
don't respond well with very few bits
each.  With a slider, you can tell
right away.



Carleton University, Dept. of Electronics
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1S 5B6
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