Hello All;

This is a feature request for any takers

We use VNC for demo purposes using the web browser.

What we find restrictive is the in-ability to control both the ports
that VNC listens on a individual basis. In some cases a customer has
only certain ports open on the firewall(which are not the default 5800 /
5900) but for example ports 80 and 21. You cannot currently modify the
values for each port on a seperate basis. Changing the display
increments the web portion and so on

What would be well received is graphical functionality in the VNC Server
to configure seperate port values for each component. This would enable
us to specify very different port values and suit to potential clients
firewall enviornments.

For example if a customer has ports 80 and 21 open to them we could run
the VNC server on 21 for the display and 80 for the web browser...and so

Thanx for your time


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