> Your ability not to understand makes VNC in general an untrustworthy
> product.  Controls on a network is not on the users PC, but the
> network, where the user has no ability to touch.

You have a point in that yes you can block ports over the network, but my point 
was from an internal to internal view only. I was saying that a correctly 
configured windows NT/2000 box running Ultra could be tweaked to prevent 
access into it.... 

However, as you say, blocking transfers from/to that box to an external system 
running Ultra is a completely different matter. In that way, yes, you'd have to 
block the external link, but as VNC can run on almost any port - it would be 
damned hard to stop.

To truly stitch up a network so that users can't transfer files out of the system is 
very hard. You'd have to have a completely closed system: no physical 
transfers, ftp, ssh, web, email, blah, blah, blah.


Richard Harris
Environment IT, NCC
Ext 4509

"Service, price , quality: pick any two."
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