Any one using OSXvnc, and if so did the 'OSXvnc-startupitem.tar.gz'
work for you. Its supposed to make the VNC server load at boot time.
I think there may be a problem with the gzipped file as Stuffit chucks
up errors.

If you've downloaded OSXvnc 1.11 then a copy of this folder is in your folder (as a folder named OSXvnc).

If you are downloading the StartupItem from the FAQ page ( ) I was able to decompress it using Stuffit Expander 7.0.1

The install instructions went well untill the last line when you do

mv /path/to/OSXvnc /Library/StartupItems

I get a file does not exist error.

Any thoughts

If the /Library/StartupItems directory does not exist then you need to create it.

Jonathan Gillaspie
Redstone Software, Inc.
-- Makers of Platform-Independent Automation Software
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