
        Heya. Try this: when you initiate the SSH tunnel from
the SSH client, specify the VNC Server's IP address as the host
IP address, rather than the lookback IP address ( So:

use:         ssh -l username -L 5900:ip-address:5900 ip-address

instead of:  ssh -l username -L 5900: ip-address

        That 2nd form is better, but it requires the loopback
settings of the VNC Server to be correct. Get the first one
working, and you can be sure that the tunnel is correct first. did restart the VNC Server after you set
the AllowLoopback registry settting? Obvious I know, but worth


> Hi,
> I'm trying to use VNC with SSH tunneling.
>     Server is a Win XP Pro PC with F-SSH server
>     Client is a Win 2000 PC with SSH-Client
> I have put a new entry in the registry HKLM\software\orl\winvnc\default
> : AllowLoopback DWORD = 1 (Hex)
> A tunnel is created as for incoming on port 5800 and 5900
> When I try to connect with Java or VNCViewer, I have always the same
> answer : 'Local loop-back connections are disabled'
> I've searched in the mailing list archives, but found nothing that can
> solve this problem....
> How can help ?
> Regards
> Bertrand DELAITRE
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