: My UltraVNC connection operates successfully without a hitch, until I
: connect the Server PC to the VPN.  At that time the UltraVNC
: connection is lost and I can no longer access the Server PC.  The VPN
: connection is established successfully (I know that, because I've
: added a monitor to the Server PC).  I would prefer to access the
: corporate VPN via the UltraVNC connection, instead of installing the -
: fairly invasive - software on my primary PC.  Why does the VPN crash
: the VNC connection?  Is there a way to workaround this? 

As others mentioned, it's an intentional security feature of most VPNs. 
In theory, VPN software could create a new IP with which to join your
corporate net, but it's a huge secrity hole to do it that way. 

As also already mentioned, a way to work around it is to bounce
the packets onto the corporate net and back; ie, you "submerge"
your work PC into the corporate net, then use "add client" to add
your home machine's vncviewer.  Then you can walk over to your home
machine.  If this were linux/solaris/whatnot, you could do this all
by script, so you wouldn't necessarily have to go to the physical
work machine.  Disadvantages: slow and potentially insecure (what
with the packets flying back and forth on the internat and all).

Another way around it (easy-ish to do under linux/solaris/whanot,
not so sure how easy under windows, though with cygnus ssh it's
probably do-able) is to wire the work PC to the home PC with a
non-TCP/IP link; ie, a serial cable between them.  Then you run
ssh with ProxyCommand set to send the tunnel over that serial line
and forward you home PCs localhost:5901 to the work PC's localhost:5900.
Then connect to localhost:1 (remembering to allow loopback as needed).

Whew.  A royal pain in the patoot, but it should work.  The key is, the
VPN software is capturing all the TCP/IP traffic, but it can't reall
capture something like a serial line.  It also can't (or rather,
normally doesn't) capture microsoft or novell non-TCP/IP networking
packets, and doing port forwarding across such a connection is another
possibility.  But why isn't this a security breach?  You're sending the
same information over the same ethernet.  That's because those protocols
aren't normally "routable" on the internet, so the vulnerability is
localized to your home LAN.  But somebody could still zombify your home
PC and hijack your connection, so you must make sure your home PC is
secure enough to satisfy your corporate IP security folk.  Because
weakening the firewall is most often grounds for termination (though
your corporate policies may vary). 

So.  Solution to VPN capturing all TCP/IP traffic is to use something
non-TCP/IP; this is perhaps easiest to do for things like file sharing
and/or lan printer access.  Since VNC is TCP/IP-based, you have to
use port forwarding through the non-TCP/IP protocol to get your
VNC sessions hooked up.  The bandwidth limitations of an old-fashioned
serial line may be a problem; use of a non-TCP/IP protocol over ethernet
would probably require some significant hacking, but only enough to
get a stream of bytes point-to-point; ssh (or a few other possibilities,
see for example the obsolete program "term" from one of the source
newsgroups from days long gone by, but I digress) can do the rest.

Oh...  one other possibility, if your corporate remote access folks
provide it, is to have your entire home LAN submerged into the corporate
net, by providing a VPN router to mediate your access to the internet. 
All the packets you send to the internet then bounce via your corporate
net which VPN is active, but locally on the lan, anybody can talk to
anybody freely, and VNC can thrive.  A nice solution IF it's available.

Wayne Throop   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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