I have discovered a really bizarre bug. I have two XP machines each doing
a putty connection to my firewall. I am, then, doing a reverse server to
viewer connection. Every thing works fine. Except when I try to minimize
the putty windows on the server machine, so I can see the screen, the
connection becomes what I would say is suspended.

Its weird, both systems keep running and when the user on the server
switches back to the putty window with the mouse or task manager, the
connection starts functioning normally. This can be done repeatedly. I
think it's a putty, issue, but I ask here since many here tunnel
connections for VNC and may have seen this. And it seems linked to VNC by
the fact minimizing putty locally never stopped it, only the viewer
minimizing it causes this. It seems that putty just stops, yet the
connection is not broken. My current work around is to move the window out
of the way, but if I right click on it, it stops, too. Now, this has been
replicated with different server, viewer machine combinations and even DSL
vs Dailup.

If, this is not fixable, what other SSH client would you recommend which
is real easy to install from a script. I use putty and vnc together since
I place everything into a self extracting/self installing zip for clients
to  install their remote connectivity.

Joe Kexel
: VNC the greatest tool on Earth!
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