   I've got a question for any "X" experts out there.  Particularly those
   familar with Solaris.
   Here is what I'm trying to do.  I've got a Sun Blade machine.  I've
   got a VNC session running.   I know I can start up applications
   within the vnc session.  That's all wel and good.
   With some experimenting I found I can start up other x-applications
   from my Unix environment and simply export the display to the
   VNC sessions.  For example:
       $ xclock -display w-tfw:1
   The above will start up and xlock within the VNC session (pretty cool
   I know).
   However what I want to do.  Is to change the display for a currently
   running  program.   Lets  say  I  have  an  xterm  running  in my unix
   and  its  display  is  the  standard root display of w-tfw:0.0.   What
   can I use to change this display from "w-tfw:0.0" to "w-tfw:1".
   The  affect  of course wil be to 'move' an already running application
   within my unix environment, into the VNC session.
   Can anyone help me out with this?
   I've searching through the FAQ and the knowledge base.. but I'm not
   finding  an  answer  to this yet.  The closest I've found is this from
   Can I remote the normal X:0 display of my Unix workstation? 
   Not  with  the  current  standard  VNC  distribution.  Xvnc  starts  a
   completely  new  X desktop (:n) which is independent of the standard X
   display  of the workstation (:0). You can often get the effect you are
   looking for by starting an Xvnc session and then running a full screen
   viewer for it displayed on :0.

   We plan to add full support for this in the standard VNC distribution.
   In  the meantime, we've been told that Jens Wagner has a version which
   polls the screen - see x0rfbserver.
Ted Wollnik Jr.
Lucent Technologies
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