        Heya. You ask a fairly common question: your PC is on
a LAN that uses the 192.168.*.* address range, but those IP
addresses are for "internal", intra-LAN only. Somewhere on
your network, there's a router which automatically translates
your internal 192.168.x.y IP address into a "real" IP address
that works on the Internet.

        I've put up a FAQ about routers and VNC and getting
them to all play nicely together here:


        Another contribution to that FAQ'o'Matic describes a
step-by-step process in getting a router setup:


        I hope one or both prove useful!


> Hi,
> I had a small doubt. I have a small home network running with my
> desktop and labtop. When i run vnc server on my desktop it shows it
> running on a 192.*.*.*  address. My question is can i access my desktop
> over the internet using my labtop when i am away from home.
> Thanks
> Hari.
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